Introducing Elsie May Ray

Born: 0851hrs 4th November 2007

Weight: 7 bls 8 ozs in old money

Interests: In no particular order Milk and Pooh.

This is the website for the family and friends of Miss Elsie (there's no hyphen, it just happens to be her middle name, this isn't The Waltons you know!) May Ray.

She's Elsie, because we think it's cute, it's old fashioned,  we don't know another Elsie and Mrs Ray has no bad memories of teaching one! Secondly, most families have Auntie Elsie tucked away somewhere, who's lovely, a bit eccentric and usually lives to be a hundred!

She's May, because it was her Great Granny's name.

Her interests at one time or another will probably include one or more of the following:           Shopping, shoes, lego, art, fender telecasters,  football, real ale, cooking, swimming, cycling, running, ponies and unfortunately anything pink.

When she graduates from Cambridge she hopes to use her M.A to solve 'cold water fusion' and bring about world peace.